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Quaker Program on Peacemaking

Sunday, November 19, 2017
1:30 pm3:00 pm
Bealeton Library Depot (Bealeton, VA)

How do we count the cost of bitter conflict to the health and well-being of ourselves, our families, communities, our nation, and to the world? With trauma and fighting so prevalent, where and how can we seek a better way? Sunday, November 19, 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm, the Fauquier Friends Worship Group will lead a panel on the topic of Peacemaking at the Bealeton Library Depot building, 10877 Willow Drive North, Bealeton. Local Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) welcome the community of all beliefs to attend and share on ways to deepen peace in a divided world. Quakers have historically advanced the testimony of peace and are the only religion to date to have been awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. Yet, the surrounding evidence informs there is much work to be done, both individually and collectively, to bring hearts, minds and actions as living examples of the power of peacemaking. Peace is not just the absence of war and requires justice more than protest, communication more than complaint. Email for more information.

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