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Nurturing the Light in Times of Darkness: How (Much) To Think about Donald Trump?

Sunday, October 29, 2017
9:00 am10:00 am
Baltimore Monthly Meeting, Stony Run (Baltimore, MD)

Winter is approaching. The days grow shorter. It can also feel like a time of political darkness, one that can trigger dark feelings. How important it is to nurture and share our light! Please come to this conversation, beginning at 9:00am, as we love and enlighten one another. Each will begin at 9:00am. For both his supporters and opponents our President looms large in the news, and in our minds. It seems we cannot not think about him. But how to think about him is a daily question. Hold him in the Light, or take a stance of resistance? Follow political events closely, or detach? We will discuss our personal strategies for processing this Presidency, and leadings provided by our common Quaker values.

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