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The Underground Railroad in Loudoun County

Sunday, August 6, 2017
5:00 pm7:00 pm
Goose Creek Friends Meeting (Lincoln, VA)

Dr. Glenn Crothers, author of Quakers Living in the Lion’s Mouth, The Society of Friends in Northern Virginia, 1730-1865, will be visiting the 200 year old Goose Creek Meeting House. He will be speaking on the role of Loudoun County’s Friends in the abolitionist movement and in helping freedom seekers escape slavery. Eric Larson of the Loudoun County Courthouse will also be on hand with copies of documents related to the trials of two of the area’s leading Quaker abolitionists – Samuel Janney and Yardley Taylor. Following the lecture we will go over to “Springdale,” the one-time home of Samuel Janney. The house was used as a girl’s boarding school and as a hospital during the Civil War. The home is also rumored to be a stop on the Underground Railroad, and contains secret passages and hiding places. Guests will also be able to visit the 1815 Oakdale School and the Goose Creek burying ground. For more information, see their website at

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