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Upcoming Local Worshiping Communities Events

This page displays the events coming up this month. To see more, please go to the main events page here and select the category "Local Meeting Events".

May 2021

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Sunday, May 2, 2021
10:00 am12:00 pm
Baltimore Monthly Meeting, Stony Run (Baltimore, MD)

Programmed Quaker Worship in the Kenyan tradition, followed by social time. Everyone is invited to this monthly worship (on the second First Day) with Kenyan Quakers in the Baltimore area. For information, contact Gilbert Imbayi at

Lancaster University and the Woodbrooke Quaker Center in England are offering an on-line course on early Quakers, starting Sunday April 26 and lasting three weeks through May 16. The lead teacher is Ben Pink Dandelion. You do each week's work on your own at your own pace. To register for the course, click the link below. In addition to taking the on-line class, you can join a group from the Bethesda Friends Meeting to talk about what we have learned each week, on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m., starting April 29 and going at least until May 13. To sign up for the Zoom link, please contact Alex Bell.

Lancaster University and the Woodbrooke Quaker Center in England are offering an on-line course on early Quakers, starting Sunday April 26 and lasting three weeks through May 16. The lead teacher is Ben Pink Dandelion. You do each week's work on your own at your own pace. To register for the course, click the link below. In addition to taking the on-line class, you can join a group from the Bethesda Friends Meeting to talk about what we have learned each week, on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m., starting April 29 and going at least until May 13. To sign up for the Zoom link, please contact Alex Bell.

Saturday, May 15, 2021
1:00 pm2:30 pm

FMW Quaker Spiritual Development Program. Presenters: Shawn & Katrina McConaughey. By phone dial: (301) 715-8592. Enter meeting ID on prompt: 8744 1817 683#. The McConaughey’s will share an overview of their work among Friends in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania with additional information on emerging plans for sustainability of the programs and how the covid pandemic has impacted life and ministry in their part of the world. They will have photos to share and will leave time for questions and dialogue.

“Shawn and Katrina McConaughey are lifelong Friends from Oregon. Shawn has served in pastoral and yearly meeting leadership for the past 30 years; Katrina in volunteer ministry in church and with refugees and immigrants in her community, as well as ESL instruction and working on an organic vegetable farm. A few years ago, anticipating an empty nest, they began to look for opportunities to serve Friends overseas and were invited to work with Friends United Meeting in East Africa. For the last 3 years they have been living in Kenya and working as Programme Officers in the Africa Ministries Office. Their work focuses on the Project Partners of FUM and facilitating communication and relationships between Friends in North America and in East Africa.

When we polled newcomers to Quaker meetings, these were the 8 most frequently asked questions they had about Quaker worship when they first walked through the doors of a meetinghouse.

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