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Upcoming Local Worshiping Communities Events

This page displays the events coming up this month. To see more, please go to the main events page here and select the category "Local Meeting Events".

October 2019

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Friday, October 4, 2019
7:00 pm9:00 pm
Alexandria Friends Meeting (Fort Belvoir, VA)

Alexandria Friends Meeting will host "Game Night" for young Friends ages 12 and older on Friday, October 4, starting at 7:000pm. Board games and food will be provided. Please encourage teens to come out!

Friday, October 11, 2019
7:30 pm9:30 pm
Baltimore Monthly Meeting, Stony Run (Baltimore, MD)

Celebrate Pete Seeger’s 100th birthday with these singalongs led by Annie Patterson. For more information, go to

Saturday, October 12, 2019
7:30 pm9:30 pm
Friends Meeting of Washington (Washington, DC)

Celebrate Pete Seeger’s 100th birthday with these singalongs led by Annie Patterson. For more information, go to

Sunday, October 13, 2019
2:00 pm4:00 pm
Baltimore Monthly Meeting, Stony Run (Baltimore, MD)

Programmed Quaker Worship in the Kenyan tradition, followed by social time. Everyone is invited to this monthly worship (on the second First Day) with Kenyan Quakers in the Baltimore area. For information, contact Gilbert Imbayi at

Saturday, October 19, 2019
9:30 am4:00 pm
Goose Creek Friends Meeting (Lincoln, VA)

We long to live in compassion. Yet in times fraught with anger and division, we can all too easily lose touch with that deep heart connection that unites us with others and our truest self. In this one-day retreat, we'll share our experiences of compassion and open to ways of nurturing the flame within us. This retreat will include times of silence, small group conversation, and collective dialogue. We'll draw on the words of wisdom figures and our own heart knowledge as we collectively seek a greater understanding of the way of compassion and the hope it offers in these times. Retreat Leader: Leah Rampy is an experienced retreat leader and the former executive director of Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation in Washington, DC, where she continues to serve on the faculty for programs and pilgrimages. She recently founded Church of the Wild ~ Two Rivers to create space for contemplative spirituality in nature. Leah lives in Shepherdstown with her husband David. Please bring a bag lunch. We are asking folks to make a freewill donation of $10, if you are able, to cover Leah's expenses. All are welcome. Please feel free to invite friends. It is important that you RSVP as soon as possible so that Leah will know how many participants to expect.

Saturday, October 26, 2019Thursday, November 7, 2019
C&O Canal (Harpers Ferry, WV to Washington, DC)

A number of Quakers throughout the tri-state area have the opportunity to participate with Friends in Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia and DC who have been actively involved in witnessing the toxic threat of the Potomac Pipeline and the construction of a fossil fuel burning factory Rockwool. Many have participated in Hands Across the Potomac. there are also Friends at Shepherdstown Meeting in WV and at Goose Creek Meeting in VA who have been inspired by Tracy’s Walk in Denmark and have begun helping to coordinate the Solidarity Walk on the C&O Canal from Harpers Ferry to DC. We would welcome members of BYM and its Unity with Nature Committee to participate and publicize the C&O Solidarity Walk and our efforts to stop the construction of Rockwool. For more information, email, text 703-786-8594, or see the Facebook page at You can choose to walk any day along the way or the whole thing.

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