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Upcoming Local Worshiping Communities Events

This page displays the events coming up this month. To see more, please go to the main events page here and select the category "Local Meeting Events".

July 2017

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Friday, June 30, 2017Sunday, July 2, 2017
Dayspring Retreat Center (Germantown, MD)

Take this opportunity to hear the Still Small Voice while walking in the meadow or warming at the hearth. Annapolis Friends will be joined by other Baltimore Yearly Meeting Friends, space allowing. In the past there has been ample room! The warmth of spiritual community in the heart of winter, amid nature’s beauty--what a blessing! Love and Light to you as you consider joining in this adventure. The purpose of silent retreat is the deepening of communion with God, with other persons and with oneself. ... (W)e make space for...a time of waiting in silence, in solitude, to hear the voice of the One “Who speaks in everything that is, and who, most of all, speaks in the depths of our own being.” (Thomas Merton). Cost is $220. Registration deadline is June 23 or when full. For more information or to register, contact Jean Christianson. ( or 410-544-1912)

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