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Upcoming Local Worshiping Communities Events

This page displays the events coming up this month. To see more, please go to the main events page here and select the category "Local Meeting Events".

March 2017

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Monday, March 6, 2017
6:30 pm10:00 pm
Bethesda Public Library (Bethesda, MD)

Bethesda Friends Meeting (Quakers) is sponsoring a free movie and panel discussion at 6:30pm, in the Bethesda Library meeting room (7400 Arlington Road). The award-winning documentary, Before the Flood, features Leonard DiCaprio, former President Obama and many notables, followed by a panel discussion on global climate change: what we can do collectively and individually? The film begins at 6:35pm sharp. Speakers include Joelle Novey, Director, Interfaith Power and Light, and Emiy Wirzba, Policy Associate, Friends Committee on National Legislation. There also will be information on personal energy efficiency. Snacks and beverages provided. All welcome. For more details, contact Alex Bell (240-314-0378) or Peter Jenkins (301-500-4383).

Saturday, March 11, 2017
2:00 pm5:00 pm
Friends Meeting of Washington (Washington, DC)

Ever witnessed someone being harassed and wondered “what can I do?” Peace and social justice attorney JE McNeil and Friends Meeting of Washington are providing this free training to help teach you specific, concrete, nonviolent steps to take to protect the targeted person and stop the abuse. The training will start at 2:00pm and end at 5:00. To register, go to

Sunday, March 12, 2017
8:45 am3:00 pm
Homewood Friends Meeting (Baltimore, MD)

Doug Gwyn, author of "A Sustainable Life" will be our guest for the program. He will respond to the question: What does a revolutionary Quaker faith and practice look and sound like? We hope you will plan to join us. If ever a revolutionary Quaker faith and practice was needed now is the time. Coffee and refreshments will begin at 8:45. Meeting for Business will be at 9:15, and the program will begin after the second session of Business Meeting at 1:30. For more information, contact Sarah Bur, Clerk of Chesapeake Quarterly Meeting. (

Saturday, March 18, 2017
10:00 am7:00 pm
Richmond Friends Meeting (Richmond, VA)

Get to know Yearly Meeting Committees and Friends from other Meetings! Be a part of important decision making. Join Friends for morning committee meetings and the afternoon’s Interim Business Meeting. Richmond Friends Meeting will host the Third Month Interim Meeting. Friends will begin gathering at 10:00am. Committee meetings will begin at 10:30. Check the Yearly Meeting website for more information.

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