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Upcoming Local Worshiping Communities Events

This page displays the events coming up this month. To see more, please go to the main events page here and select the category "Local Meeting Events".

December 2017

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Saturday, December 2, 2017
9:00 am2:00 pm
Annapolis Friends Meeting (Annapolis, MD)

Come eat, chat, and shop with us! Annapolis Friends will be holding their annual Quaker Holiday Market from 9:00am to 2:00pm. There will be gourmet baked goods, homemade soups, handmade afghan rugs, jewelry, flowering bulbs, gently used books and clothing, and many other items for sale. Proceeds will benefit the Orphan Grain Train for hurricane relief work in Puerto Rico, the Wamama Wa Sanaa Kenyan Widows' Artisanal Self-Help Group, and the Wellness House of Annapolis.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017
7:00 pm8:00 pm
Baltimore Monthly Meeting, Stony Run (Baltimore, MD)

Winter is approaching. The days grow shorter. It can also feel like a time of political darkness, one that can trigger dark feelings. How important it is to nurture and share our light! Please come to this conversation, beginning at 7:00pm, as we love and enlighten one another. As Friends we hold each other and the world in the Light. But there also seems to be much that is dark in the world—and in ourselves. How do we face dark events and political forces without feeling overwhelmed? How do we avoid being sucked into dark emotional reactivity? And how do own up to our own “shadow side” rather than demonizing others? If we learn to deal well with darkness we will more effectively let the light shine through us.

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