Upcoming Local Worshiping Communities Events
This page displays the events coming up this month. To see more, please go to the main events page here and select the category "Local Meeting Events".
Patapsco Friends Meeting is encouraging Friends to actively engage the Simplicity Testimony, work through their possessions and offer them up for a higher purpose! The Yard Sale will begin at 8:00 am and continue till noon. Proceeds will be donated to the Route One Resource Center for the Homeless. For more information, contact Bethanne Kashkett. (410-988-8188 or raspwoods@aol.com)
Kenya Casanova Sale of Cuba Yearly Meeting will be speaking at 4:00 pm on how the Living Water of Quaker Ministry flows today among Friends in Cuba. There will be a potluck dinner following her presentation. For more information or to RSVP, contact Mary Diamond. (703-536-3201 or bmdiam@yahoo.com)
Alexandria Friends Meeting invites everyone to join them for their Annual Homecoming Day at Woodlawn Friends Meeting House. The theme of the day is Growing up in Meeting and will include music, stories, lunch, and fellowship. Please RSVP to 703-781-9185 or rigginjm@verizon.net.
Katherine Philpson, the Campaigns Network Building Associate of the Friends Committee on National Legislation will be talking about their effort to reduce the budget of the Department of Defense by one trillion dollars over the next ten years as provided in the Budget Control Act. She will talk about the need for Friends to urge their Senators and Representatives to support this goal. The program will begin at 10:00 am and continue after the rise of Meeting at 12:30 pm. For more information, contact John Salzberg. (301-774-6815 or john.salzberg@verizon.net)