Mattaponi Friends Meeting Interchange Reports
Fall 2012 Interchange
BYM Welcomes Two New Monthly Meetings

Friends of Shepherdstown Monthly Meeting
photo by Elizabeth Meyer
This summer at Annual Session, two Meetings were welcomed as they transited from being Preparative Meetings to become full Monthly Meetings. They are both lovely places to visit!
in Shepherdstown, WV
Some Friends’ idea of heaven is to be in a good bookstore. Imagine being able to go to worship in one each First Day! Shepherdstown has all the charms that a small-college town can offer. “In the past year Friends have reported a growing sense of community and nurturing of relationships. This sense of community has been fostered through conversations at rise of meeting, potlucks, informal gatherings at a local restaurant, and other social occasions.” – 2011 Spiritual State of the Meeting report.
in Cologne, VA
Mattaponi has its own spacious, sunny Meeting Room behind the barn on Dayspring Farm, which is committed to sustainable agriculture. Meet the horses and goats, and contemplate the flowers! “As we are present to the beauty, power, and cycles of nature we are inspired to know Spirit.”- 2011 Spiritual State of the Meeting report. (

Friends of Mattaponi Friends Meeting
photo by Elizabeth Meyer