Alexandria Friends Meeting Interchange Reports
Spring 2018 Interchange
Woodlawn Friends Meeting recently had a series of presentations by member Wayne Jonas, on the topic of his forthcoming book How Healing Works. Dr. Jonas draws on forty years of research and patient care to explain how 80 percent of healing arises from outside the doctor’s office – by drawing on sources of healing from the whole person - physical, behavioral, social and spiritual. With stories from his medical practice and simple illustrations, Dr. Jonas lays out a revolutionary approach to healing and health, detailing how we can tap into our natural ability to heal. His well-tested advice will transform the way we use health care and, ultimately, our day-to-day health and wellness.
Winter 2015 Interchange

Alexandria Homecoming 2014
On a beautiful day in September, Alexandria Monthly Meeting (AMM) held its fourth annual homecoming and fundraising event. The afternoon featured a tasty lunch with music by Kacy Clopton, a lively children’s concert, the delightful Jerry Allen Jazz Trio and a table of displays on AMM’s history. The successful fundraiser made possible a significant donation to the New Hope Housing, a local non-profit focused on helping homeless individuals.
Reflections of a Quaker: A Blank Slate Theology by Warren L. Treuer: This compilation of writings expresses the writer’s spiritual journey from a point when previous doctrinal beliefs were set aside to pursue religious inquiry with a “blank slate”. Expressing the importance of the interrelationship of the spiritual and material aspects of life, Treuer considers how science, psychology, mysticism, many religious belief systems, and personal values can shape a theology. As Friend Deborah Haines noted, “This is a gentle, thoughtful, insightful book, infused with joy and wonder”. Warren Treuer holds a Doctorate of Ministry degree from Princeton Theological Seminary as well as Master’s in other related fields. He has been a member of Alexandria Monthly Meeting for over 30 years. The book is available through and all proceeds are donated to American Friends Service Committee.
Winter 2013 Interchange
Alexandria held a Meeting for Worship by candlelight on Christmas Eve, followed by fellowship and music with desserts and punch. This practice gathers our community together, bringing young and old together in our peaceful meeting home. We use electric candles for light during the Meeting for Worship for the safety of people and property, finding it does not distract from the quietude.
We struggle with the challenges and joys of our historic building and have learned that we are not as robust as its founders. Determining the proper sources for heat in winter and cooling in summer that align with our historic structure has lead to much searching, both spiritually and as searches for the right equipment. We are also experiencing a realignment of the road to our Meeting House, as part of the regional Rt. 1 realignment.