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Warrington Spiritual State Reports

Warrington Monthly Meeting Spiritual State of the Meeting Reports

The text of recently received Spiritual State of the Meeting Reports are below, with the most recently received at the top and older reports below. To jump to a particular report, simply click the year listed below.

2011 Report 2012 Report 2013 Report 2014 Report 2015 Report
2016 Report 2017 Report 2018 Report 2019 Report  

2019 Spiritual State of Warrington Monthly Meeting Report

No report received.

2018 Spiritual State of the Meeting Report

We started a discussion group to discuss the queries that came with this year’s state of the meeting report email from Baltimore Yearly Meeting. As we talked about the queries we found some diversity among us. Our families had immigrated to the United States from different countries and at different times. Some of us came from Quaker families, while others had spiritual journeys that led them to Quakerism.

As the discussions progressed and thoughts and stories came out we learned more about some related topics, the value and uniqueness of each individual and the coming together of community.

We learned more about each other and deepened our connections, and more about how we come together in our “spiritual home”. We grew as a Meeting, and hope to continue our discussions past this report.

As we celebrate the 250th year since the building of our Meetinghouse, we hope to also celebrate the “individual” and the “community”, and share our beloved Meetinghouse with the wider community.

2017 Spiritual State of the Meeting Report

Warrington Monthly Meeting continues to move along.

Sometimes we experience joy and growth. In 2017 we added new members, shared pot lucks, had a member join us in celebrating her 103rd birthday, and had our annual Christmas Candlelight service.

Sometimes we are humbled. We have plans that don’t work out. We experience hurt and sorrow. In 2017 members past away, and we recently learned that another member is terminally ill. We held memorial services and celebrated the lives of two dear members, Leonard Groshek and Marion Matesevac.

It is humbling to learn that you don’t have all the answers, and that so much seems to be obscured. And to learn how easy it is to be confused and to make mistakes.

But it is also motivating. You learn that small acts can have an impact. You learn that effort is appreciated. And you recognize that while you are not perfect, you are not alone.

At Warrington you’re not alone. We are a small Meeting, an imperfect Meeting, but a caring Meeting. A Meeting that is trying to grow in our understanding of God’s Light and Grace. We are trying to continue to learn, but also to realize that there are answers we may never know. And that’s ok, we have faith that we’re going to keep trying.

2016 Spiritual State of the Meeting Report

Sometimes we see the empty rows of benches

Sometimes we see the five new members in 2016

Sometimes we see the melting snow dripping through the gap of a missing slate

Sometimes we see the imaginative use of luminaries to catch the drips in the sand

Sometimes we see the cold grey of winter

Sometimes we see the love and beauty of a December wedding

Sometimes we hear of trials and tribulations

Sometimes we hear of joy and laughter

Sometimes we hear the traffic go by

Sometimes we hear the activity and energy of the First Day school

Sometimes we hear the lists of things to be done

Sometimes we hear the reports of the volunteers on the work that has been completed

We have members and attenders from ages 1 to 102

And we feel the love and the presence of God

2015 Report

No report received.

2014 Report

Some days at Warrington it seems like there is always something that needs to be repaired, or projects to do, or money to be spent, etc. The “load” can feel heavy, but then you ask and see people take on tasks with a smile and you realize the “load” isn’t that heavy and you are not alone.

While not a large Meeting Warrington has the ability to share the load. We’ve had attenders mulch our flower beds, and members plant new flowers, on their own, and light our fires on cold winter First Day mornings. We’ve had members put on a birthday tea for one of our member’s 100th birthday. Members and attenders help with the First Day School, and Members, attenders, and our caretaker pitch in to hold our annual Candlelight Service where we invite the community to join us in 12th Month.

Our bills get paid, and the doors open each First Day, and we find that Warrington Monthly Meeting is more than just the sum of us. There is a sense of community.

While building our community is an ongoing effort, which we are working on in person and via email, Warrington is a welcoming place.

We continue to meet each First Day and patiently wait for divine guidance.

2013 Report

Each First Day the shutters open and light and people come in. Conversations, with each other and God, are renewed. There is a sense of community.

Warrington is a unique place that draws us together as seeking individuals. While on our individual journeys we take comfort and strength from each other. There is strength, joy, love and hope at Warrington.

Our challenge at Warrington is how do we encourage and grow this weekly sense of community. Our members and attenders come from across our area and have a variety of commitments and backgrounds. We held our annual picnic in Ninth Month, and our traditional candlelight service, where we invite the community, at Christmas time. While we find food and conversation are a good way to bring people together, we are continually listening for community building efforts.

We are also working on our physical building. We are repainting the exterior woodwork and repairing the wrought iron fence that goes around parts of the cemetery.

We continue to meet each First Day and patiently wait for divine guidance.

2012 Report

During 2012 we gathered contributions for New Hope Ministries, held our annual picnic, and our traditional Christmas Candlelight Service.

We are all the sum of our God given nature and abilities, and our experiences. Individually we each have our strengths and weaknesses. At Warrington MM we continually strive to build a Spirit led community. An intentional community that seeks to build on each others strengths, and help each other grow in the Light. We stand with each other in sorrow and in joy. We don't seek to criticize or push. We seek to help each other to be open to the Spirit moving us, and to continue to build a community where individuals grow and learn, and the community grows to be something bigger than a collection of individuals.

Individual comments from members/attenders follow:

-I have found Warrington MM to be a place of acceptance and peace. I have felt welcomed into Warrington MM from the first day I stepped in the Meetinghouse.

-I am a new sprout on Warrington MM branch, I continue to grow, and work on my fruit.

-Warrington Meeting brings together a small, diverse group of worshipers. Here we find support for one another, explore our spirituality and our history, share the work and provide the solace.

-The Warrington Meeting is my spiritual home. God is there. When I need to be uplifted I find the Spirit there. When I need wisdom I find direction in the Peace of the sanctuary. I often look at the benches and think about the centuries of Quakers who have worshiped there and somehow I receive support and guidance from the knowledge of their former presence. I feel totally accepted and loved at Warrington meeting and am fortunate to have such a wonderful Spiritual anchor.

-Warrington Meeting has held my heart from the first time at Meeting for Worship. It's historical value, the warmth of the fires, the friendliness and love of members and attenders has created a God centered place of worship.

2011 Report

Warrington Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
State of the Meeting 2011

Our members gather for worship prayerfully and it is not unusual for our Meeting for Worship to be entirely silent. Our business meetings are held regularly and we proceed through our committee responsibilities earnestly and all have been in good order. Our First Day School continues to enlighten and challenge our five young Friends. Queries 1-12 have been read.

We have welcomed two new members this past year. John Bergdoll and Tom Knisley became members in Fourth Month. Membership for Miyo Moriuchi was transferred to Chestnut Hill (PA) Meeting in Twelfth Month 2010. We attempt to keep in touch with absent members and attenders.

We have had great fellowship this past year. We have had Quaker studies and we studied Margaret Fells, “On Women Speaking”. We held our 3rd annual picnic for members; family and friends, enjoying food and camaraderie. We’ve enjoyed several pot luck breakfasts and lunches.

We have expanded our outreach to our community this year by having a fall charity drive for Susquehanna Service Dogs, a group that assists children and adults by providing service dogs and companion dogs. We have held our annual Christmas Candlelight service, free to all in attendance. During the program we briefly explain our faith and practice of our belief. We have also had several open house tours and we provide some support to three college students through our Scholarship fund.

Some of our elderly members have had challenges this year. We strive to give them encouragement and let them know that the remaining members are there to give them love and support.