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Little Britain Interchange Reports

Little Britain Monthly Meeting Interchange Reports

The text of recently published Interchange reports from Little Britain Monthly Meeting are below, with the most recently received at the top and older reports below. To jump to a particular report, simply click the report listed below.

Winter 2012 Interchange Report
Winter 2017 Interchange Report

Winter 2017 Interchange

Little Britain was involved in a community yard sale for raising money for Right Sharing of World Resources. By taking off the price tags from previous sales and asking for a donation; we brought in over $200. Penn Hill is a good spot to hold this and those from the community who brought their items were pleased. It was a good way to reach out to the community. In the past two years Penn Hill Meeting has been dealing with having to cut down two old trees next to the Meeting House. We are looking forward to watch a redbud and silver bell grow to take their place, flanked with milk weed.

Some of us helped Drumore celebrate 200 years of the Meeting House on October 1. Vail Palmer, at 89, flew in from Oregon. His parents were married in the Meeting House in 1926. He has just published Face to Face. He tries to understand some of the Bible sayings that do not make sense today. Both of our Meetings are small. We enjoyed the annual Thanksgiving covered dish at Eastland November 20 with people who do not usually join us.

Winter 2012 Interchange

Little Britain appreciates the visits by Betsy Myer. When she joined us in November, she observed that, other than West Branch, no other Meetings she has visited use the Friends Bible Study published by Evangelical Friends. She thought other Friends might like to be aware of this publication to use in promoting Bible Study. We can get discussion, even though it sometimes seems to be promoting different idealogy than we share. Having the Presiding Clerk travel to all of our Meetings seems time consuming and we think she is ideal in her position. Thanks Betsy!