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Dunnings Creek Spiritual State Reports

Dunnings Creek Friends Meeting Spiritual State of the Meeting Reports

The text of recently received Spiritual State of the Meeting Reports are below, with the most recently received at the top and older reports below. To jump to a particular report, simply click the year listed below.

2011 Report 2012 Report 2013 Report 2014 Report 2015 Report
2016 Report 2017 Report 2018 Report 2019 Report 2020 Report

2020 Spiritual State of Dunnings Creek Friends Meeting Report

It has indeed been a challenging year for individual Friends and for Dunnings Creek Meeting itself.

Fortunately, although we are small, we are connected by phone and caring and cards, and common values. We each, and our Clerk especially, have “kept tabs” on one other throughout the year.

Our small size allowed us to socially distance and continue meeting in person through the summer once the initial lockdown was lifted. With careful thought and much Quaker Process, we were able to work our way through resistance and the natural fear of some to technology in order to bring internet connection and Zoom to the Meetinghouse so Friends with compromised health could still attend. We were fortunate to have those systems in place when the Fall surge of Covid 19 struck, and we made the difficult decision to close the Meeting house for the Winter and meet only with Zoom.

We have experienced some surprising benefits with remote attendance such as being able to see distance members more regularly. As we gained technical skills, we have been able to share Zoom screens and present interesting First Day programs. We had a fascinating series of segments on various mystics for example. We have also been able to hear speakers from a distance that might not have been so available if they would have had to travel. We hosted a very enjoyable Christmas Eve service online that we opened to public participation. Our small community was swept into the nationwide discourse on racism when a shooting incident occurred in our county injuring an individual marching with a group from Milwaukee to Washington DC. One Friend was led to start to witness for peace by sitting in the public squares in town, quietly, with her sign for peace. Several members joined as they were able. Others have dialoged and read and are working to formulate the path of right action moving forward.

Actual Meeting Worship has suffered. Our old Meetinghouse, mellowed by so many years of silent listening is a real factor in the depth of our worship and its absence is felt. We look forward to a return to the building, when it feels safe, to continue the years of silent joy found there.

2019 Spiritual State of Dunnings Creek Friends Meeting Report

It has been one year since we have taken time to reflect and look in on ourselves spiritually. Since then, we have a new member who has made it known that one of the reasons she joined with us was because she did not have to feel guarded with what she wanted to share in our discussions and during meeting for worship. She felt welcomed and included. Within our meeting there is a diversity of spiritual views and beliefs; ranging from a traditional Christian faith to exploring the many glorious worlds available to us. We look for the common truths, the golden threads that unite us.

We are a small Meeting with a bond that provides a spiritually safe place for us to share our continuing revelations to each other. “We come to Meeting to share our different views, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.” “We learn from each other’s deep down treasured beliefs.” It takes confidence to open up to each other, and because of that we get to know each other on a deeper level.

Hopefully we can support one another on our journeys, and have respect for individuality and acceptance of differences with the help of prudence and deliberation.

With that said, we also recognize that we must be mindful of times when we may fall short? One friend said that they noticed that our politically conservative Friends might feel not at ease with expressing their views. This prompted another Friend to voice that when politics and ethics overlap, perhaps we can just focus on the ethics we all share and nourish. It is an on-going dilemma most likely common to many monthly meetings, and laboring lovingly through this will bring more understanding and spiritual growth to our blessed community.

In addition to all of the above, we rejoice with the knowledge that our VERY active bee colony, in the wall of the meeting room, that proved to be a problem for several years, has been humanely transported to “elsewhere”. A very gentle soul came to our rescue and persuaded the bees to vacate, and take up residence to parts unknown where they could carry on with their all-important task of pollinating our flora in the area. This may sound like a “material plane” issue, but we wrestled with trying to get them to move and not go the extermination route. We really have, as said before, rejoiced with this outcome and are ever so grateful to Mr. Yourich and the bees.

Also, we would like to report that Dunnings Creek continues to make the Meeting House available to an AA group and also to the local Indivisible Upstanders for learning workshops.

2018 Spiritual State of the Meeting Report

As we sat and thought about how our little Meeting has fared over the past year, we heard from a new couple who has moved from a much larger Meeting close to Philadelphia and who are now attending Dunnings Creek. The sentiment was, “Dunnings Creek is so tiny that we must be ‘hardcore’. It speaks loudly of our commitment.”

Living in a very rural, very conservative county, the opportunity for racial diversity in our Meeting is not very probable. Our African American friends here in our county are very committed to their own church in town. We do get together from time to time, but these times are rare.

Politically we have some diversity in our Meeting. Some friends ask to leave our politics at the door. Others ask if this is a way of avoiding tension by not discussing differing points of view?’ Does this keep us from growing spiritually and as a community? One Friend asked, “Can we accept the idea that ‘It’s all God – There are no separations?’” We must look for the gentleness of Way Open. Can we learn to tell the difference of when it is the time to discuss sensitive issues? Another Friend asked, “ If we are doing our personal and Meeting spiritual work, do we see that it’s all God? Can we leave the rancor of today’s issues behind?” Another Friends said, “This is ‘essential’. We must get rid ourselves of what is keeping us from growing spiritually.”

We discussed the concept of being Community Weavers: bringing together and building community – weaving the fabric of our society. We found that we have done this by working on social issues including working with the Bedford County Indivisible Upstanders workshops for the public, tenderly taking care of the Peace Tree by the courthouse in our county seat, offering our meetinghouse for the weekly AA meetings (which by the way, often have more attenders than we do on Sunday mornings. Our Meeting House offers comfort and peace.)

Having the Fishertown Quaker Museum has helped with education and history. We were delighted when folks from the community came to tell us of their experiences as children with the Meeting House and the tiny town of Fishertown. We plan to ask folks to come and tell their stories and have them recorded sometime this summer.

As always, our Christmas Eve Meeting gives many folks a place to come for Christmas Eve – a place of quiet reflection and fellowship – not to mention lovely gifts of music and poetry. It is a regular event for some who only come to our little Meeting on that one night, but is most important for them.

We were able to bring the community together when John Lozier and his two young Colombian harpist friends came to totally mesmerize us and many friends from the outside community with their lovely and enchanting presence on a very, very hot summer evening.

One friend took it upon herself to take on the task of creating a pamphlet for our Meeting and then getting it printed and out into the public via the county visitors bureau. This was a project that lingered for a long, long time.

Friends attended an ecumenical “Tree of Life” memorial service in a nearby city.

We are fortunate to have a dedicated friend who gives much consideration to our First Day discussions so that we have a focus and continuity from week to week. We have learned about our Quaker leaders and activists of the past, studied books on “Uprooting Racism”, and “Non-Violent Communications”.

We are growing and realizing our diversity limits, new Friends’ insights and our unconscious prejudices.

May we seek the gentleness of Way Open and know where our path leads us. May we have the wisdom and courage to follow that path.

2017 Spiritual State of the Meeting Report

Dunnings Creek Friends feel a sense of welcoming and closeness each week when we enter our little Meeting House. It was said that when one opens the door of the Meeting House, they feel “the hug”; A sense of coming home, safety, and acceptance. Friends are appreciative to be with folks who are concerned with caring about others.

Even though we are small and rural, we are not immune to the changes in our world. The struggles for justice and peace in our world do present challenges not only to the larger Quaker community, but also for us here at Dunnings Creek. We wonder what the best path is to address the changing world. With so many issues facing us we feel somewhat at a loss as to how to proceed. One Friend said, ”Awareness is being stimulated in a way now that it hasn’t been in a long, long time.” What can we do to counteract the negativity bombarding us almost daily? We can view the discord as the ‘upsets’ that make us uncomfortable and lead to change. Things will only change when we seek change in ourselves. Friends strive to not focus on the negative so much that we lose the place where our spirit should be. It certainly is a time calling us to seek where our paths will make a better and more just world for all. We support and encourage each other in hers or his leadings whatever they may be in this strange new world.

Dunnings Creek Meeting continues to host workshops conducted by Friend Sarah Creider. She is trained to teach us how to listen to each other, go out into the world where conflicts and injustices may be witnessed, and help to right the wrongs without escalating the instances. A very delicate and useful skill indeed. Folks from the community attend and then invariably say what a peaceful space the meetinghouse is. They thank us for letting them be there. Some come to meeting shortly thereafter.

We are a quiet Meeting with very quiet Meetings for Worship. It may be that when visitors come, even though we are most welcoming, that they feel that our worship style is somewhat unusual, being so still and quiet. Still, we would love to see more new folks and even better, new families join us. Because we are so small, we are very grateful for our new attenders and their refreshing views and shared experiences. We cherish the times when long-time absent members return for a visit. If we continue to look for and witness the Light with all of us, we are certain that Love will prevail.

No report received.

2016 Spiritual State of the Meeting Report

We at Dunnings Creek Friends are blessed to return each First Day to a peaceful and centered space, warm greetings all around, and good coffee (thanks to Allegany College Peace Studies Program who sells fair trade organic coffee and our co-clerk, Dave Bohnert who brings it us). Although we are a small Meeting, it seems that our warmth and sometimes challenging discussions have encouraged attenders to be an active and integral part of our Meeting. The local AA group continues to find mid-week peace and quiet. After a winter break, our Meeting House was a welcoming place of retreat for this group.

Way open has found new opportunities for us to connect with folks locally and in the larger community. International Day of Peace found Friends asking folks in the area to please acknowledge this all-important time, now and always, to consider peace as a path for our world. We welcomed the Friendly Quaker Folk Dancers for a day of fellowship and a night of wonderful dancing, not to mention a hearty potluck and breakfast to send them off to their next “dancing partners”. We look forward to their next visit.

Christmas Eve is always a time of renewing and heartfelt love for all. This year was no exception. It was a time of homecoming for some who are so welcomed with open arms, and of course lots of goodies to eat. The weight of the weary world is lifted for a blessed while.

It was a bittersweet meeting for worship and potluck when we bid farewell to Karen and Dave Treber who are off to another chapter in their lives, but happily we welcomed our new member, Trisha Bettien, who has been an attender for several years. We are fortunate to have such an eager helper and friend

Changing times in our country have also opened up opportunities to connect with local groups seeking an assuring place to use for workshops. We hosted a workshop for friends and Friends to learn ways to respond non-violently to situations involving harassment to people. Many people who attended this workshop commented on the light and peaceful feeling of our Meeting House. This has resulted in a follow-up request by the same group. We feel that these opportunities are a way open for new friends who have expressed interest in coming for First Day. Our new complexion of our country has prompted us to express our concern for our Muslim neighbors to the northwest of us. As per the workshop mentioned, we wanted to respond to reported bullying in their community. After some thoughtful and soul-searching discussion here at Dunnings Creek, a letter was approved and sent to their mosque expressing our concern.

Even though we have had these new developments in our Meeting, we still labor to find continuity and sustainability in our First Day program. There are times when we feel gathered, and there are times when we do not feel such a deep connection. We seek to find ways to achieve this illusive quality. The fact that we are all getting older, with dwindling attendance, and that most of us do not live close to the Meeting House makes it a constant challenge. However, we continue to make non-judgmental listening a priority. It has been our focus for quite a long time now and sometimes it’s two steps forward and one step back. In addition to listening, we have been trying to figure out how to escape the “we/them” mindset that seems to be ubiquitous in our culture. How do we find common ground with those who may seem so different? How we live up to our highest Light we have, knowing if we do so, more Light well be given us. The path will become clear to us.

Many of us feel that we should be an example to inspire others, rather than fighting with resistance, which creates polarity in our world. Some feel that it is the time to speak truth to power as well.

We all have something to offer to our Meeting, and we will continue to seek and search for the way open to deepen our spiritual state of the Meeting.

2015 Report

When Friends gathered to reflect and search ourselves about our meeting, Dunnings Creek MM, Friends overwhelmingly shared that they feel the peace of the meetinghouse when entering. Some of us come on our own at times other than meeting or events just to sit in the presence of the meetinghouse. Our meetinghouse is not necessarily more holy than other places, but we seem more aware when we are in this space. When we are away for a while, it is always good to “come home” to the meeting. That said, our meetings for worship are sometimes more “gathered” than other times. As in life, our openness to the Presence waxes and wanes.

We see our dwindling number of Friends and ask ourselves, “ What will happen to this meeting?” “Why aren’t folks coming? Are we welcoming? Do we unknowingly offend visitors and attenders? Can we learn from our mistakes? Some folks do attend for a while, but then realize that the meeting does not speak to their needs. The Friends and attenders, who do come, come because they want to be fed. If we provide nurturing for folks, they will continue to come. If we live to our highest good, then that will in turn produce more goodness. If we focus on goodness and joy, goodness and joy will then follow suit. Conversely, if we worry about the future, our meeting may be bogged down with negativity, and therefore not be very pleasant for visitors and attenders – members as well. We must be true to ourselves, but it would be nice to have more people to share with who we really are. Can we as a meeting embrace the idea of trying to seek more actively a way to encourage folks to worship with us?

Our meeting embraces whole-heartedly continuing revelation. We love and respect this concept. Journeys take us on paths that we maybe were not expecting from time to time. Life experiences can influence these paths. Friends should be free to express their ideas and revelations without fear of judgment. Sometimes we fall short of this tall order, but we are committed to always strive to do better.

We are happy to welcome a local AA group who uses the meetinghouse for their weekly meeting spring through autumn. They also have sent the message that the meetinghouse offers a calmness and peace that is greatly appreciated.

We are convinced that “way will open” as we stay true to the Light within.

2014 Report

There is a lot to be learned for a meeting when difficult times come its way. For much of this year Dunnings Creek MM has dealt with an on-going situation that has demanded that we look within and seek guidance. How have we responded to those among us who have caused much consternation and soul-searching? Have we been compassionate, patient, and understanding? Have we actively engaged with tender care, or have we patiently waited for the situation to go away? Do we look for ways to support Friends positively? How much do we encourage each other’s Inner Light to shine? If we see someone with a big bushel over their Light, how do we nourish their dim Light? What about our own Light? How bright is that?

We have been challenged to discern what our priorities are. We have wrestled with forgiveness and what loving unconditionally looks like and feels like, at the same time we have been called to take a stand to right wrongs. What have we learned from this past year of finding our way? The sense of community has been challenged at moments, yet there is an ever-growing sense that it will be and has been forged even stronger by facing this together. There are many questions to be sure, but we continue to search and hopefully grow in the Light

There are other things that must be considered as well. Like many Meetings, Dunnings Creek MM has another challenge. Our membership is declining. Children are few and far between. New ideas for outreach have been a positive result thanks to this time of introspection and review. Meanwhile, we ask ourselves if we are nurturing our spiritual needs so that F(f)riends will want to continue to come to meeting. We ask ourselves, “What makes Dunnings Creek MM a good place to be to nurture our spiritual paths, both individually and as a group?”

Many of us look forward to, and long for the comfort and strength offered through meeting. We continue to maintain a feeling of optimism, and for that we are grateful. We rejoice in the Spirit that brings joy and love into our hearts with the giving and receiving of musical gifts, and continue to find strength and guidance through fellowship and continuing revelation as individuals and as a Meeting.

And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.

Luke 10:27

2013 Report

When we asked ourselves,” How does the Spirit prosper amongst us?”, the immediate answer was, “Very well, thank you.”

We meet because the Spirit compels us to come together for the refreshing of our spiritual needs and quests. Friends feel that when they cannot make it to meeting, they feel a sense of loss of refreshing.

Because of Quaker process, the idea of building a labyrinth, and then the possible project of creating a Quaker information-sharing center in the Fishertown Friends Meeting House, we have come to respect, and continue to be amazed by Quaker Process. The labyrinth idea has morphed into a quiet meditation circle, while the Quaker Museum is evolving quietly and carefully. This is mentioned because as the process evolves, we do as well. We are learning to listen and hear each other with care.

The “way of listening” has been carried over with the meeting helping members with personal crises in their lives. We have been nudged to look within, and consider tenderly each other and those who turn to the meeting for strength and discernment.

Friends have benefited from the Spirit of the meeting when interacting with folks of differing views from the communities in which we live. A Friend said, “When common ground is found, the Spirit is manifested.”

“We are never alone - there is help we can always draw from” is what was made more apparent to us from studying The Five Principles by Ellen Debenport . Friends shared gifts of love and spirituality including the gift of learning to let go of anger and fear, and the knowledge that we are part of something much greater than ourselves. Spirit is the well from which we draw, providing guidance for everyday life.

Friends talked about how our meeting has provided guidance for prayers for world leaders to seek peace so desperately needed. Peace may never come about until leaders are truly open to it. We are also mindful that we as well must seek peace within ourselves.

As even the pope has reminded us, God is ever evolving. Creation is never-ending. How do we create positive energy?

Visits from Right Sharing and the BYM Vision Statement Committee have helped open our minds and hearts to the greater Quaker world.

Our meeting continues to strive to stay connected and to support Friends who are ill or who have moved away. We realize that we can do better with this- there is room for growth.

Finally, it has been said that the process of coming to the realization of this report is more substantial that the report itself. We thank the Yearly meeting for directing us in the path of self-awareness.

2012 Report

Dunnings Creek Monthly Meeting continues to be a rural meeting with a small attendance. Sometimes we may wonder what will become of our meeting if our numbers remain small. When this meeting was young, most all members lived close by. Today we are scattered far and wide. Even so, Friends are willing to travel considerable distances to commune with meeting.

Because of the concern for our small numbers, the meeting was led to explore avenues to reach out to the community. Whether it was writing notes to Friends who are not able to attend meeting, mounting a plaque at the Quaker Cemetery commenting on the local Quakers’ part in the underground railroad activities, or continuing our ice cream social for the local community, these were all manifestations of our reaching out to our local community. It is the sense that Friends feel the Spirit has prospered amongst us even though there is an ebb and flow of attendance. There is a greater spirit within the meeting, and we try to maintain a core attendance through the grace of God.

As the Spirit moves we realize that we are learning the need to be open to consider the viewpoints of others. Even as we encouraged each other in many ways on their journey of spiritual seeking, we are challenged to learn how to deal with issues as a meeting, rather than as individuals. As we have been worshipping together now for quite some time, we find comfort and strength with silence both through Meeting for Worship and First Day Discussion. “For when two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20.

When our meeting was called upon to make physical changes within the meetinghouse, we realized that Spiritual growth arose from dealing with “nuts and bolts” situations. We came together to make plans that pleased all Friends. This process, as all Friends know, requires us to open up and listen to each other. The gift of learning to listen to each other has been a process used this year in supporting several or our dear ones through difficult times in their lives - even as one of these dear members passed on.

The talents and interests are shared each and every First Day. We have members who bring the gifts of fair-trade coffee, sharing the value of our meeting and meeting house both historically and spiritually, labyrinth plans.

Accepting the responsibility for the core of the meeting has made us all have an enhanced feeling for the meeting, from a spiritual point of view as well as just a concern for the physical meetinghouse.

2011 Report

Spiritual State of the Meeting Report – 2011

2011 was a year of continuing revelation at Dunnings Creek Friends Meeting. Throughout the year, a number of Friends shared a wide variety of topics for spiritual consideration at First Day School. Friends received all offered lessons with open minds and hearts. Lively discussions resulted. Learning was paramount.

Accomplishments at Meeting for Business included the reunification of Fishertown Meeting with Dunnings Creek Meeting. Over the course of several months, many thoughtful and difficult decisions were made to achieve this goal. Sacrifices were made, most notably the sale of the Fishertown Meeting House. Letting go of so much local Quaker history hurt; but, in the end, Friends came together and healed. Proof is that a former member of Fishertown Meeting is now Clerk of Dunnings Creek Meeting.

Other resolutions on various issues were also reached at Meeting for Business. More important than the specific determinations made, however, is that all decisions were made in the spirit of worship. Friends listened to one another, sought the light revealed in each person and searched for truth as a unified community until a Sense of the Meeting emerged. Happy conclusions were the result. Meeting for Worship at Dunnings Creek Friends in 2011 was unprogrammed. Although there is some current feeling among several Friends that a moderate amount of preplanning might positively facilitate the gathering. Suggestions include having a particular subject as a focus point of expectant waiting, as well as having someone speak on a topic for a few minutes or do a reading before settling and beginning silence.

There is also some current feeling among several Friends that Dunnings Creek Meeting should adhere more seriously to the established schedule in regards to First Day School, time for informal fellowship among Friends and Meeting for Worship. Others prefer the spontaneity and unconstrained nature of the recent gatherings. In any case, 2011 held several “gathered meetings” for Dunnings Creek Friends Meeting, as well as a wellspring of profound and heartfelt vocal ministry.

In 2011, Holly Coia, a beloved and integral member of Dunnings Creeks Friends Meeting moved to New Orleans with her husband, Gene, to be in closer proximity to their daughter, Emily. Holly is greatly missed by Friends; but she will never be forgotten. Friends made a donation to Holly and her 650 kids at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Academy for Global Studies where Holly teaches art.

As sad as Friends are at Holly’s parting, members are equally joyful at the arrival of Bennet Elizabeth Spitzer Koontz who was born on January 18th to Heather Koontz, Todd Spitzer and big sister Tess and who is an Associate Member by request of her proud parents. Welcome Bennet! We are thrilled to have you in our Quaker community and will love you forever.