Visiting Meetings
Connecting the Community of Friends
Click here to go to the Meeting Visit Form

Baltimore Yearly Meeting wants to encourage, support, and facilitate visits to our local Meetings. Such visits greatly enrich both the visitors and the visited, both local Meetings and the Yearly Meeting; they help us all to feel connected in a powerful way. If you are looking for information on what is happening at local meetings, please click here.
Who might want to visit?
- Individuals seeking to connect with other Friends...
- whom they met at Friends events like Annual Session, retreats, camp, workshops, etc.;
- who share concerns or interests, especially ones they do not find in their home Meetings;
- who are just fun to meet! Our Meetings have lots of great people!
- Members of Yearly Meeting committees who would like to
- see how they can meet the needs of our local Meetings;
- see what they can learn from the experiences of our local Meetings;
- share information about their committee work and how Friends could be involved in it;
- engage our local Meetings in helping discern way forward.
- Friends who are traveling and just passing by and would like to visit a nearby meeting.
- Friends with Travel Minutes, which acknowledge their leading to visit under the weight of a concern or offer a ministry
- Friends offering workshops
- Yearly Meeting staff and officers
Local Meetings are also encouraged to request visits. Experience has shown that Meetings greatly appreciate and benefit from visits.
What Meetings might you visit?
- See our Meetings page for a map and a list of Meetings in Baltimore Yearly Meeting.
- For Meetings outside Baltimore Yearly Meeting, which we also encourage you to visit, see:
- Ask the Baltimore Yearly Meeting office for one of our handy "passports", please email to request.
How to set up a visit?
- Contact our Meeting Visit Coordinator by emailing or completing the Meeting Visit Form .
- the Coordinator will help you connect the visitor(s) with the Meeting and help make arrangements for your visit
- After your visit, report on it, also using the Meeting Visit Form.

Additional Resources- AKA the "Travel Bag"
- BYM Passport - contact the BYM office for a copy.
- BYM 2018 Fact Sheet
- BYM Budget Fact Sheet
- Ministry of Presence
- Map of Yearly Meeting Locations