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Pastoral Care Working Group Interchange Reports

The text of recent Interchange reports are below, with the most recently received at the top and older reports below. To jump to a particular report, simply click the year listed below.

Winter Editions Spring Editions Fall Editions
Winter 2019    

Winter 2019 Interchange

Baltimore Yearly Meeting, at our June 2018 Interim Meeting, approved the creation of a Pastoral Care Working Group (PCWG) to be held under the care of the Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee. The PCWG is currently forming, and we are excited to ask if Friends in BYM are led to join us. Because this is a working group, and not a committee, Friends may serve with the PCWG while holding membership in another BYM committee, or may feel led to serve with no other committee membership.

The PCWG's mission is to support the growth of healthy Meetings by supporting the work of local Meetings's own pastoral care committees. As a first step, the PCWG, as outlined in its charge, will proactively "develop and identify resources for use within Meeting communities. Resources might include readings, workshops, or other learning opportunities for individuals in the local Meeting or for the Meeting as a whole. Resources might also come in the form of experienced individuals (from within or without BYM or the Religious Society of Friends) who can provide direct support or counsel to local Meetings. The PCWG might also host learning or networking opportunities on pastoral care issues at BYM Annual Session or other times throughout the year."

The Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee will continue to work closely with BYM leadership to directly serve local Meetings in times of "challenge or crisis", though it may call on the PCWG for helpful resources.

Please contact Windy Cooler, Liaison to the Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee from the PCWG, for more information and to discern whether joining this new working group may be part of your calling in BYM. Windy can be reached best through emailing her at

2017 Annual Report

No report received.

2016 Report

No report received.

2015 Report

No report received.

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